05 June 2007

Despidida! I figured out the photo posting thing....look out!

04 June 2007


During my last few days in Manila, a few of my friends and I went out to lunch..a despidida for those of us that were leaving. Carol Rains sums up expat life and despidida so eloquently in her blog..her link is on the sidebar. It was great fun. Michelle and Betsy and Cindy and I started talking about how Michelle puts awsome close up pictures on her blog. (I will link her blog too so you can see the closeup of grass that she took just for me in Singapore!) Anyway, Betsy and Michelle were talking about how easy it is to do a blog and I promised I would try. SO, here it is! I probably won't post again until I get to China...unless someone lets me use their computer in the States..hint, hint. I hope you will enjoy a little glimpse into the wonderful, crazy, adventure filled life of the McLaughlin's!